Lewis first met Edith at the bus stop outside the old abandoned hospital. Edith had taken a liking to Lewis because he looked a lot like her childhood sweetheart. And Lewis took a liking to Edith because she could walk through walls and make herself float. Edith was dead. She died long before Lewis was born.
Lewis was at the age where his voice kept breaking at embarrassing times so he considered it pretty cool having a ghost for a friend at first. But after a while, the fact that his friend was an 80-year-old grandma from the 1960’s became a bit of an issue.
Lewis was a strapping young lad so naturally Edith wanted the best for him. Unfortunately, Edith’s “best” and Lewis’ best was not the same. Lewis picked a girl that Edith didn’t like the look of. He picked a girl that didn’t look like her.
Edith was no longer Edith. Or maybe Edith was fully on show as Edith now. Times had changed, that was easy to understand, but some things were just weird whatever time you were from for God damned sakes.
Lewis didn’t listen to Edith. He chose to ignore her. It’s very easy for ghosts to lose their temper. Lewis remembered that for the rest of his life.