“We’re so high up!” Fiona almost screamed, arms locked around Dane’s shoulders.
“You get used to it.” Dane replied quietly, his voice piercing through the wind.
Fiona looked up at him. Dane had his classmate cradled in his arms so he quickly clocked her expression.
“I mean anyone would get used to it if they flew around saving people.” His laugh was dry.
“Do you think I’ll get used to it?”
“Not unless you learn to fly I guess.”
“Oh come on, Crimson!”
Dane stifled a sigh.
“Can you not call me that please? I mean when I’m not wearing my uniform.”
“Your costume? Why didn’t you wear it?”
“Because I’m just taking you for a quick flight. This isn’t superhero related.”
“You should wear it next time! That costume looked really good on you from what I could see.”
“This is a one time thing.” Dane said. “And it’s not a costume. It’s the uniform for Relievers.”
“If you can wear it for Halloween, then it’s a costume.” Fiona giggled.
“Whatever.” Dane said. “Just don’t call me by that name when you can obviously tell I’m in my secret identity.”
“It’s alright, Crimson, no one can hear us up here.”
Fiona was enjoying herself at Dane’s expense. He wanted to drop her.