Marcus Osinfolarin
1 min readAug 3, 2021


My eyes were heavy when I woke up that morning but the sight of the time on my alarm clock wrestled me out of bed before I had the chance to fall back asleep. My alarm had chosen to be silent today. I only had time for a four minute shower of cold water to stab energy into my back. Realising that I’d forgotten to brush my teeth in the shower, I brushed my teeth on the way downstairs, swallowing the toothpaste for convenience.

I put two slices of bread in the toaster, but knowing I wouldn’t have the time to butter them before leaving the house, I set the toaster to a high heat. The burnt crunch would make up for the lack of substance. While the toast toasted more, I went back upstairs to return my toothbrush and put on a suit and tie. In three minutes, I was out of the house. I couldn’t lose this job.

The bus was running late so I ran to the subway station. I run at a pace of 8 minutes per mile so it only took me about 20 minutes to get there. There were no newspapers in the stands for me to read today, so I figured they’d all been picked up already. Damn. I was really that late. Looked like it was past rush hour too? Ah- Wait. Saturday.

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