Thirty two years! I remember because I was exactly yen years old when I last saw most of the class. Some of them I saw here and there over the years but ever since I turned twenty-seven and travelled to Hong Kong for work, I haven’t seen anyone from my childhood years.
Thirty two years. So much time has passed. I have kids now, three! I know a lot of my old classmates have kids too. To be honest, I was surprised how good a load of parents they all turned out to be. I wouldn’t let some of their kids anywhere near mine but I still commend the parents. Anyone who made it after coming from where I came from deserved that much.
Thirty two years. We could’ve met for the thirtieth, but with the whole pandemic going on, the reunion had to be postponed. Luckily we’re all still up for meeting in the nice round year of 2040. I don’t know what to expect, but I’m sure some of us will be as close as we used to be.