I travelled halfway across the world for love. Well, I loved money, and I thought she loved me 🤪. My sugar mama, Betty, liked spoiling me while I was in London, and I liked Betty’s spoiling. She invited me to her home Russia over my summer holiday and I politely obliged since she was paying my way through Law School. I, hand-on-heart, didn’t know I would end up locked up in her basement. 👀
To be honest, it was a pretty nice basement. After twelve days it kind of grew on me. In London, all I had to do was videocall with Betty every day to have dinner together but after she realised how much more fun it was to have dinner in person, she didn’t want my week-long holiday to end 😪. Betty was the one who bought me the plane tickets and, remembering the sight of the neighbourhood she lived in, she could afford the return flight’s cancellation fee. It was a non-issue. A nissue. 🤷🏿♂️
I don’t really remember what happened after I ate the caviar- just that I woke up in a super nice albeit windowless bedroom. Betty had to be the one to tell me it was her basement 🤭! Her basement! But now my new bedroom 😏. She even knocked on the door before she came in. In her own house! I never even experienced in my parents’ home. Doors couldn’t even be locked there.
Betty put everything I needed in this room. I never had to leave unless it was to have dinner with her at the dinner table upstairs. I’m really grateful for the life Betty has given me 😌. As she always says: “you’ve got to be grateful for everything in life.” Kidnapped is a strong word. At least she lets me write some fun stories on the internet. Betty isn’t my sugar mama’s real name btw, please don’t try to find her.🙏🏽